Frequently Asked Questions
Answering the most commonly asked questions around our new school identity, uniform updates and move to multi-campus from 2025.
New Name & Uniform
Why the new school name?
When the State Government announced funding for our new campus, the School Council decided that having a school named “Verney Road” on Parkside Drive could cause confusion. This marked the beginning of the renaming process for the entire school.
What is the meaning behind the new name?
“Banmira” is a word from the Yorta Yorta and Bangarang languages, meaning valley—located within the Goulburn Valley region.
Why was an Indigenous word chosen?
The Department of Education updated its school naming policy in 2023 to require all new schools to use a local Indigenous name. However, our School Council began this process in 2022 and had already decided that with over 25% of our students identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, a word from local languages was the right choice.
What did the consultation process involve?
The renaming decision was led by the School Council and followed years of consultation with students, staff and families, in collaboration with the Goulburn Valley Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (GVAECG). After gathering community feedback and survey results, the proposed name was submitted to the Minister for Education and was officially gazetted on 31st October 2024.
Will the school uniform change?
A uniform and logo committee—comprising staff, parents, and School Council members—selected a colour change to navy for both polo shirts and shorts/pants, considering the sensory needs of students. The previous maroon colour had also become harder to source.
Families can take advantage of the $400 School Saving Bonus to purchase navy uniforms from two nominated suppliers:
- The School Uniform Shop – 183 Corio St, Shepparton
- State Schools’ Relief – online portal
Refer to an email sent from the Department of Education for further information on how to access your vouchers. Uniforms can also be purchased at stores like Big W, Kmart, Target and Best & Less. School Council are finalising plans to provide iron-on logos in the new year.
A two-year transition period means students can continue wearing the current maroon Verney Road uniforms until they outgrow them. Year 12 students will also have custom-designed shirts.
When will the new name take effect?
The new Banmira name is rolling out now. While you’ll hear the new name when contacting the school, updates to signage, uniforms, and branding will be rolled out gradually.
Our Logo
What does the new logo represent?
The earthy tones complement the architect’s colour scheme for our new campus and represent a connection to the land (eg, eucalyptus green).
The three seasonal-coloured leaves represent the growth & development of our students from Early Education to Junior School and onto Senior School. It also has a link to the agricultural Goulburn Valley surroundings, known as Australia’s food bowl.
The river shape subtly forms a ‘B’ for ‘Banmira’, symbolising the many valleys across our region and the Yorta Yorta & Bangerang meaning of our new school name.
Which campus will my child attend?
Banmira Specialist School does not follow a traditional year-level system as seen in mainstream schools. Instead, students are grouped by age:
- Junior Campus: The Parkside Drive site caters for ages 6–12 (equivalent to Foundation to Year 6), including the Early Education Program.
- Senior Campus: The Verney Road site caters for ages 13–18 (equivalent to Years 7–12).
When will Stage 2 of the relocation occur?
Stage 1 involves refurbishing the front half of the Parkside Drive site as the Junior Campus, while the Verney Road site will serve as the Senior Campus.
Stage 2 will redevelop the remainder of Parkside Drive to house the entire school as a single campus. This phase is dependent on future funding announcements from the Victorian Government.
What are the benefits of a dual-campus model?
The Verney Road site was originally designed for 74 students and has since become overcrowded, with over 260 students and 120 staff. The dual-campus transition model provides more space and allows for enhanced programs, including:
- Senior Campus: A new gym, an Independent Living Skills room, spacious renovated classrooms and therapy spaces to support NDIS visits.
- Junior Campus: State-of-the-art facilities, including Resource Intensive Libraries (RILs), specialised play areas (e.g., in-ground trampolines, water play, and climbing frames), and improved traffic safety with separate car and bus drop-off zones.
Will there be an Outside of School Hours Care (OSHC) program?
Yes. A High Intensity OSHC program will launch in Term 1, 2025, known as ‘Banmira Care’.
Lauren, the new program manager, will provide families with enrolment details soon.
Will buses run to the new campus?
Yes, current contract buses will be rerouted to serve both campuses. These changes are being planned to accommodate new enrolments and meet Transport Victoria’s requirements.
Can I tour the new campus?
An open day is in the works for 2025 to showcase the transformation of the former Wanganui Park Secondary College to our community. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates and sneak peeks once construction is complete. Families interested in enrolment or employment opportunities can request a campus tour by contacting an assistant principal.

Contact Information
Most contact details will remain the same, with an updated email address and website:
- Phone: 5821 8185
- Mailing Address: PO Box 1551, Shepparton VIC 3632
- Email:
- Website: